美国1byone Health scale多功能智能电子秤体脂秤,蓝牙连接ITO镀膜智慧人体高精密电子秤重健康称,APP云记录保存减肥记录秤
2021-01-21 17:48:51
这是一个美国品牌“1byone”健康秤,非一般的电子秤。蓝牙连接APP,可切换“磅和公斤”称重单位,更全面的数据你应该更了解自己的身体,ITO镀膜技术,高准确测脂芯片,加厚钢化玻璃,一次称重可知晓体重、BMI、体脂率、肌肉量、水分率、蛋白质率、内脏脂肪等级、基础代谢等13项身体数据,全面了解身体健康状况。可准确测试并保存体重、BMI、体脂率、肌肉量、水分率、蛋白质率、 内脏脂肪等级、 基础代谢、骨量、身体年龄、 理想体重、体型、健康评分等数据的电子秤。可10人同时记录保存,还可以云记录保存。
ITO(Indium Tin Oxides)作为纳米铟锡金属氧化物,具有很好的导电性和透明性,可以切断对人体有害的电子辐射,紫外线及远红外线。因此,喷涂在玻璃,塑料及电子显示屏上后,在增强导电性和透明性的同时切断对人体有害的电子辐射及紫外线、红外线。
为什么选择带ITO涂层的1by one 智能秤?
ITO(铟锡氧化物)是针对人体脂肪秤的进阶新技术,非一般的电子秤有的。与人体脂肪秤上的传统金属电极不同,ITO涂层具有更高的电导率,可检测和跟踪人体成分的变化,从而使您在踩踏时都能获得更准 确和一致的读数。ITO涂层秤具有防锈,耐用和光滑的设计,比传统秤更高一个级别,更精 确,非一般电子秤可比拟,并且在该行业中越来越受欢迎。
50公斤:±300克;100公斤:±400克;150公斤:±500克; ;110磅±0.66磅;220磅±0.88磅; 330磅± 1.1磅
Lo : 电池电量低;
Err : 超负荷指示器
1,1.34 x 2.76英寸(34 x 70mm)高亮LED显示屏
6,容量(最高称重):180KG / 396LB
14,高度范围:100-220cm (3英寸3英寸-7英尺3英寸)
16,工作湿度:20% -90%
18,电源:DC 4.5V(3节AAA电池,7号)
以上各型号全是1by one的美国Gao端品牌,深圳代工生产,各个款式型号的底壳、包装盒、略有差异,全都是由厂家提供的3-4节7号电池供电,这里就不一一赘述了。由于全是出口欧美日等外国的产品,官方将app放在Google Play上下载,可以在说明书或者包装盒上扫描二维码,苹果用户直接下载,安卓用户下载需要翻墙到Google Play下载,如果不能翻墙的安卓用户,也可以百度搜“1byone”下载。安卓用户还可以找客服发送app,手机接收到app后,将文件名更改“.akp”,多余的字母去掉“1”,才能执行安装。
Accuracy Range:
50KG:±300g;100KG: ±400g;150KG:±500g;110LBs+/-0.66LBs;220LBs+/-0.88LBs;330LBs+/-1.1LBs
Indication Symbols:
Lo: Low battery indicator;
Err: Overload indicator
1, 1.34 x 2.76in (34 x 70mm) Highlight LED Display
2, Unit: KG/LB
3, 10 user groups(10 APP users can be connected and record)
4, Results are displayed qraphicaly
5, Three fitness levels: Ordinary, Amateur and Professional
6, Capacity(Maximum limit):180KG/396LB
7, Minimum Mass measurement qraduation: 0.1KG
8, Muscle Mass measurement graduation: 0.1KG
9, Weiaht measurement qraduation: 01KG/0.2LB
10, Body Fat measurement graduation: 0,1%
11, Body Water measurement graduation: 0.1%
12, Bone graduation: 0.1KG
13, Age range: 0-99 years old
14, Height range: 100-220cm (3ft3in-7ft3in)
15, Working temperature: 50°F~1049°F (10℃-40℃)
16, Working humidity:20%-90%
17, Storage temperature: 149°F-1229°F (-10℃-50°C)
18, Power: DC 4.5V (3 x AAA Batteries)
19,APP operating interface: 7 languages can be set, including Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, etc. Default language: follow the mobile phone system.
Packing list:
1 scale body,
1 manual,
3 AAA batteries(Due to air traffic controls, foreign buyers with shipping addresses outside China do not have batteries)
What is ITO coating?
ITO (Indium Tin Oxides) as nano Indium Tin oxide, has good electrical conductivity and transparency, can cut off harmful to human body electronic radiation, ultraviolet and far infrared.Therefore, spraying on glass, plastic and electronic display can enhance electrical conductivity and transparency while cutting off harmful electronic radiation, ultraviolet and infrared rays.
ITO transparent conductive glass is a kind of special coated glass with high technology content, and it is also the basic material of electronic industry.Mainly used in the production of liquid crystal display devices (LCD).Because liquid crystal display (LCD) is small in size, light in weight, thin in thickness, no radiation, low in voltage, energy saving and environmental protection, so it is the most valued and popular display device in the world today.It has been widely used in various fields of the national economy, such as computer, communication, home appliances, instruments and meters, military industry, light industry, medical treatment, etc. It is the most widely used and fastest developing product in the electronic industry at present.With the rapid development of the LCD industry and the new replacement of display devices, the market demand for ITO transparent conductive glass will exceed the rapid growth of the LCD industry.Therefore, the market demand of ITO transparent conductive glass is large, and the market potential is also huge.
Why choose 1BYONE smart scale with ITO coating?
ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) is a new advanced technology for human fat scale.Unlike the traditional metal electrodes on the body fat scale, the ITO coating has a higher electrical conductivity to detect and track changes in the body composition, giving you a more accurate and consistent reading even as you tread.ITO coated scales are rust-resistant, durable and smooth in design, one level higher than traditional scales, more accurate, and increasingly popular in the industry.
For more details, please visit our official store, search "electronic scale, health scale" and other keywords, more products to choose from.

点击本链接,直接在本公司官网下载Android,鸿蒙 APP:https://www.sunnywale.com/uploadfile/2023/0109/1byone.apk