AR0134CSSC00SPCA0 ONSEMI 1/3 0° iLCC48安森美全局快门工规图像传感器,用于工业相机,代替MT9M031
2022-08-06 02:38:49
AR0134CSSC00SPCA0,AR0134彩色, ONSEMI安森美车规芯片,全局快门车规图像传感器,安森美扫描仪专用图像传感器芯片,120万像素(1.2MP)高清扫描仪用cmos, Scanner dedicated image sensor, 1/3-inch 彩色1.2 MP(1280x960),高帧率54fps ,3.75μm晶像元, 0°汽车图像传感器, 10x10mm, iLCC48 带保护膜CMOS, Digital Image Sensor, with Global Shutter sensor,HiSPi输出,跟MT9M031互相代替,参数一致

The AR0134CS from ON Semiconductor is a 1/3−inch 1.2 Mp CMOS digital image sensor with an active-pixel array of 1280 (H) x 960 (V). It is designed for low light performance and features a global shutter for accurate capture of moving scenes. It includes sophisticated
camera functions such as auto exposure control, windowing, scaling, row skip mode, and both video and single frame modes. It is programmable through a simple two-wire serial interface. The AR0134CS produces extraordinarily clear, sharp digital pictures, and its ability to capture both continuous video and single frames makes it the perfect choice for a wide range of applications, including scanning and industrial inspection.
• ON Semiconductor's 3rd Generation Global Shutter Technology
• Superior Low-light Performance
• HD Video (720p60)
• Video/Single Frame Mode
• Flexible Row-skip Modes
• On-chip AE and Statistics Engine
• Parallel and Serial Output
• Support for External LED or Flash
• Auto Black Level Calibration
• Context Switching
• Scene Processing
• Scanning and Machine Vision
• 720p60 Video Applications
The ON Semiconductor AR0134CS can be operated in its default mode or programmed for frame size, exposure, gain, and other parameters. The default mode output is a full-resolution image at 54 frames per second (fps). It outputs 12-bit raw data, using either the parallel or serial (HiSPi) output ports. The device may be operated in video (master) mode or in frame trigger mode.
FRAME_VALID and LINE_VALID signals are output on dedicated pins, along with a synchronized pixel clock. A dedicated FLASH pin can be programmed to control external LED or flash exposure illumination.
The AR0134CS includes additional features to allow application-specific tuning: windowing, adjustable auto-exposure control, auto black level correction, on-board temperature sensor, and row skip and digital binning modes.
The sensor is designed to operate in a wide temperature range (-30°C to +70°C).
The AR0134CS is a progressive-scan sensor that generates a stream of pixel data at a constant frame rate. It uses an on-chip, phase-locked loop (PLL) that can be optionally enabled to generate all internal clocks from a single master input clock running between 6 and 50 MHz.
The maximum output pixel rate is 74.25 Mp/s, corresponding to a clock rate of 74.25 MHz. Figure 1(datasheet) shows a block diagram of the sensor.

User interaction with the sensor is through the two-wire serial bus, which communicates with the array control, analog signal chain, and digital signal chain. The core of the sensor is a 1.2 Mp Active-Pixel Sensor array. The AR0134CS features global shutter technology for accurate
capture of moving images. The exposure of the entire array is controlled by programming the integration time by register setting. All rows simultaneously integrate light prior to readout. Once a row has been read, the data from the columns is sequenced through an analog signal chain (providing offset correction and gain), and then through an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The output from the ADC is a 12-bit value for each pixel in the array. The ADC output passes through a digital processing signal chain (which provides further data path corrections and applies digital gain). The pixel data are output at a rate of up to 74.25 Mp/s, in parallel to frame and line synchronization signals.
The AR0134CS Global Sensor shutter has a wide array of eatures to enhance functionality and to increase versatility. A summary of features follows. Please refer to the AR0134CS Developer Guide for detailed feature descriptions, register settings, and tuning guidelines and recommendations.
• Operating Modes
The AR0134CS works in master (video), trigger (single frame), or Auto Trigger modes. In master mode, the sensor generates the integration and readout timing. In trigger mode, it accepts an external trigger to start exposure, then generates the exposure and readouttiming. The exposure time is programmed through the two-wire serial interface for both modes. Trigger mode is not compatible with the HiSPi interface.
• Window Control
Configurable window size and blanking times allow a wide range of resolutions and frame rates. Digital binning and skipping modes are supported, as are vertical and horizontal mirror operations.
• Context Switching
Context switching may be used to rapidly switch between two sets of register values. Refer to the AR0134CS Developer Guide for a complete set of context switchable registers.
• Gain
The AR0134CS Global Shutter sensor can be configured for analog gain of up to 8x, and digital gain of up to 8x.
• Automatic Exposure Control
The integrated automatic exposure control may be used to ensure optimal settings of exposure and gain are computed and updated every other frame. Refer to the AR0134CS Developer Guide for more details.
• HiSPi
The AR0134CS Global Shutter image sensor supports two or three lanes of Streaming-SP or Packetized-SP protocols of ON Semiconductor's High-Speed Serial Pixel Interface.
An on chip PLL provides reference clock flexibility and supports spread spectrum sources for improved EMI performance.
• Reset
The AR0134CS may be reset by a register write, or by a dedicated input pin.
• Output Enable
The AR0134CS output pins may be tri-stated using a dedicated output enable pin.
• Temperature Sensor
The temperature sensor is only guaranteed to be functional when the AR0134CS is initially powered-up or is reset at temperatures at or above 0°C.
• Black Level Correction
• Row Noise Correction
• Column Correction
• Test Patterns
Several test patterns may be enabled for debug purposes. These include a solid color, color bar, fade to grey, and a walking 1s test pattern.
Pixel Array Structure
The AR0134CS pixel array is configured as 1412 columns by 1028 rows, (see Figure 2). The dark pixels are optically black and are used internally to monitor black level. Of the right 108 columns, 64 are dark pixels used for row noise correction. Of the top 24 rows of pixels, 12 of the dark rows are used for black level correction. There are 1296 columns by 976 rows of optically active pixels. While the sensor's format is 1280 × 960, the additional active columns and active rows are included for use when horizontal or vertical mirrored readout is enabled, to allow readout to start on the same pixel. The pixel adjustment is always performed for
monochrome or color versions. The active area is surrounded with optically transparent dummy pixels to improve image uniformity within the active area. Not all dummy pixels or barrier pixels can be read out.

AR0134CSSC00SPCA0 ONSEMI安森美全局快门车规图像传感器1/3英寸彩色1.2 MP(1280x960)54帧3.75μm 0°10x10mm iLCC48带保护膜CMOS数字图像传感器与全球快门HiSPi输出,

ON Semiconductor的AR0134CS是一款1/3英寸120万像素CMOS数字图像传感器,具有1280 (H) x 960 (V)的有源像素阵列。它专为微光性能设计,具有全球快门,用于准确捕捉移动场景。它包括复杂的相机功能,如自动曝光控制,窗口,缩放,行跳过模式,视频和单帧模式。它是通过一个简单的两线串行接口可编程。AR0134CS产生非常清晰、清晰的数字图像,其捕捉连续视频和单帧的能力使其成为广泛应用的完美选择,包括扫描和工业检查。
•ON Semiconductor第三代全球快门技术
ON Semiconductor AR0134CS可以在其默认模式下操作或编程帧大小,曝光,增益和其他参数。默认模式输出是每秒54帧(fps)的全分辨率图像。它输出12位原始数据,使用并行或串行(HiSPi)输出端口。设备可以在视频(主)模式或帧触发模式下操作。
AR0134CS是一种渐进扫描传感器,以恒定的帧速率生成像素数据流。它使用了片上锁相环(PLL),可以选择启用从运行在6到50 MHz之间的单个主输入时钟生成所有内部时钟。
最大输出像素率为74.25 Mp/s,对应的时钟率为74.25 MHz。图1(数据表)显示了传感器的框图。
用户与传感器的交互是通过两线串行总线,与阵列控制、模拟信号链、数字信号链进行通信。该传感器的核心是一个1.2 Mp有源像素传感器阵列。AR0134CS采用全球快门技术,精确捕捉动态图像。整个阵列的曝光通过寄存器设置对集成时间进行编程来控制。所有行同时集成灯之前的读数。一旦读取一行,列中的数据通过模拟信号链(提供偏移校正和增益)进行排序,然后通过模数转换器(ADC)。ADC的输出是数组中每个像素的12位值。ADC输出通过数字处理信号链(提供进一步的数据路径修正并应用数字增益)。像素数据输出速率高达74.25 Mp/s,与帧和线同步信号并行。
AR0134CS像素阵列配置为1412列× 1028行(参见图2)。深色像素在光学上是黑色的,用于内部监控黑色水平。在右边的108列中,有64列是用于行噪声校正的暗像素。在最上面的24行像素中,有12行是用于黑色电平校正的。有1296列,976行光学活性像素。传感器的格式为1280 × 960,当启用水平或垂直镜像读出时,额外的活动列和活动行包括在内,以允许读出从相同的像素开始。像素调整始终为
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