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MT9M034I12STM ONsemi Aptima Micron安森美镁光1.2MP monothrome (B/W) CMOS image sensor for industrial camera 1/3-inch黑白单色图像传感器1280x960 HD 720p@60fps
2022-03-29 21:25:30

MT9M034I12STM, ONsemi Aptima Micron CMOS SENSOR,安森美镁光1.2MP IMAGE SENSOR, monothrome (B/W) CMOS image sensor, for industrial camera CMOS, 1/3-inch(英寸)黑白单色图像传感器,1280x960 HD 720p@60fps,工业相机感光芯片,安森美影像芯片
ONsemi Aptima Micron CMOS SENSOR

• Superior low-light performance
• HD video (720p60)
• Linear or high dynamic range capture
• Video/Single Frame modes
• On-chip AE and statistics engine
• Parallel and serial output
• Auto black level calibration
• Context switching
• Temperature Sensor
• Video surveillance
• 720p60 video applications
• High dynamic range imaging
• Industrial cameras  
• Multispectral cameras 
General Description
The ON Semiconductor MT9M034 is a 1/3-inch CMOS digital image sensor with an active-pixel array of 1280H x 960V. It captures images in either linear or high dynamic range modes, with a rolling-shutter readout. It includes sophisticated camera functions such as auto exposure control, windowing, and both video and single frame modes. It is designed for both low light and high dynamic range scene performance. It is programmable through a simple two-wire serial interface. The MT9M034 produces extraordinarily clear, sharp digital pictures, and its ability to capture both continuous video and single frames makes it the perfect choice for a wide range of applications, including surveillance and HD video.
General Description
The ON Semiconductor MT9M034 can be operated in its default mode or programmed for frame size, exposure, gain, and other parameters. The default mode output is a 960presolution image at 45 frames per second (fps). In linear mode, it outputs 12-bit raw data. In high dynamic range mode, it outputs 12-bit compressed data using parallel output. The device may be operated in video (master) mode or in single frame trigger mode.
FRAME_VALID and LINE_VALID signals are output on dedicated pins, along with a synchronized pixel clock in parallel mode. The MT9M034 includes additional features to allow application-specific tuning:
Windowing and offset, adjustable auto-exposure control, auto black level correction, and on-board temperature sensor. Optional register information and histogram statistic information can be embedded in first and last 2 lines of the image frame.
The sensor is designed to operate in a wide temperature range (–30°C to +70°C).
Functional Overview
The MT9M034 is a progressive-scan sensor that generates a stream of pixel data at a constant frame rate. It uses an on-chip, phase-locked loop (PLL) that can be optionally enabled to generate all internal clocks from a single master input clock running between 6 and 50 MHz The maximum output pixel rate is 74.25 Mp/s, corresponding to a clock rate of 74.25 MHz. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the sensor.
• 卓越的弱光性能  
• 高清视频(720p60)  
• 线性或高动态范围捕获  
• 视频/单帧模式  
• 片上AE和统计引擎  
• 并行和串行输出  
• 自动黑电平校准  
• 上下文切换  
• 温度传感器  
• 视频监控  
• 720p60视频应用  
• 高动态范围成像
• 工业相机
• 多光谱相机  
ON Semiconductor的MT9M034是一款1/3英寸CMOS数字图像传感器,具有1280H x 960V的有源像素阵列。 它可以在线性或高动态范围模式下捕捉图像,并带有一个滚动快门读出。 它包括复杂的相机功能,如自动曝光控制,窗口,视频和单帧模式。 它是为低光和高动态范围场景性能设计的。 它是可编程的,通过一个简单的两线串行接口。 MT9M034能够拍摄非常清晰、清晰的数码照片,而且它能够捕捉连续视频和单帧视频,这使得它成为各种应用的完美选择,包括监控和高清视频。  
ON Semiconductor的MT9M034可以运行在其默认模式或编程帧大小,曝光,增益,和其他参数。 默认模式输出是一个960分辨率的图像,每秒45帧(fps)。 在线性模式下,输出12位原始数据。 在高动态范围模式下,它使用并行输出输出12位压缩数据。 设备可以在视频(主)模式或单帧触发模式下操作。  
FRAME_VALID和LINE_VALID信号在专用引脚上输出,同时以并行模式输出一个同步像素时钟。 MT9M034包括其他特性,允许特定于应用程序的调优:  
窗口和偏移,可调自动曝光控制,自动黑电平校正,和板上温度传感器。 可选的注册信息和直方图统计信息嵌入在图像帧的前2行和后2行。  
MT9M034是一种渐进扫描传感器,以恒定的帧率生成像素数据流。 它使用一个片上锁相环(PLL),可以选择性地使能从一个运行在6到50 MHz之间的主输入时钟产生所有内部时钟。最大输出像素速率为74.25 Mp/s,对应于74.25 MHz的时钟速率。 图1显示了传感器的框图。  
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https://www.sunnywale.com/uploadfile/2022/0329/MT9M034_Awin.pdf点击或者复制上面链接到浏览器打开,MT9M034 datasheet PDF file可免费下载,Click or copy the link to free download the datasheet PDF file.
Freight is free when you buy 2 pieces in China, if you have MT9M034 inventory, you can sell to me, if you need buy MT9M034, you can ask me to buy. 

上一篇:HBBPZ 5MP Monochrome (B/W) CMOS IMAGE SENSOR FOR Industrial camera
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