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UV 图像传感器
SONY 的UV 图像传感器支持UV(紫外线)波段,搭载了Pregius S 技术,可实现UV 波段(200nm ~400nm)内拍摄运动物体不失真的影像。此外,传感器针对UV 波段采用了特殊的受光结构,保证了UV 波段高感光度的同时还大幅降低了噪声,使高画质影像的拍摄成为可能。适用于常规的半导体缺陷检测,还适用于回收现场的素材拣选、零部件表面细微划痕的检测、基础设施检测、生命科学等多种应用场景。
型号 / 靶面尺寸 / 分辨率 / 帧率(fps) / 光谱 / 像元尺寸 / 曝光方式 / 长宽比 / 接口
IMX487-AAMJ 2/3" 2856×2848 194 UV 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
SWIR 图像传感器
采用5μm 像素、可见光波段内也能成像的SWIR 图像传感器
Sony 的·SWIR 图像视觉传感器利用索尼独有的技术SenSWIR,将过去难以做到的像素细化变为可能,实现了多像素化和传感器尺寸的小型化,同时,可拍摄从可见光到SWIR 的多个波段内的图像。并且,支持数字输出,搭载了全局快门、触发模式等适合于产业相机的功能。
型号 / 靶面尺寸 / 分辨率 帧率(fps) / 光谱 / 像元尺寸 / 曝光方式 / 长宽比 / 接口
IMX993-AABA 1/1.8" 2080×1544 170 SWIR 3.45 Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,MIPI CSI-2
IMX993-AABJ 1/1.8" 2080×1544 170 SWIR 3.45 Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,MIPI CSI-2
IMX992-AABA 1/1.4" 2592×2056 130 SWIR 3.45 Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,MIPI CSI-2
IMX992-AABJ 1/1.4" 2592×2056 130 SWIR 3.45 Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,MIPI CSI-2
IMX991 AABJ-C 1/4" 656×520 250 SWIR 5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS
IMX991 AABA-C 1/4" 656×520 250 SWIR 5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS
IMX990 AABJ-C 1/2" 1296×1032 130 SWIR 5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS
IMX990 AABA-C 1/2" 1296×1032 130 SWIR 5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS
传统的基于帧的传感器根据帧率,会以一定时间为周期,输出包含球体与背景的图像,与其相比,Sony 的基于事件的视觉传感器(EVS)凭借非常高的时间分辨率,可以做到仅捕捉运动球体的轨道部分。EVS 是以异步方式检测各像素的亮度变化,结合坐标与时间信息,仅输出变化像素对应的数据,从而实现高效率、高速、低延迟数据输出的视觉传感器。利用这些特征,高效率地为识别处理系统提供数据,在工业领域中的高速物体检测、机器监控、动体检测与分析、图像识别等方面发挥作用。
型号  / 靶面尺寸 / 分辨率 帧率(fps) / 光谱 / 像元尺寸 / 曝光方式 / 长宽比 / 接口
IMX637 1/4.5" 640×512 - 黑白 4.86μm - 5:4  I2C,SPI,MIPI D-PHY,SLVS
IMX636 1/2.5" 1280×720 - 黑白 4.86μm - 16:9  I2C,SPI,MIPI D-PHY,SLVS
为应对工业设备的飞速升级,Sony 推出多款面阵图像传感器以满足客户的各种要求。一类是搭载Pregius/Pregius S 技术的图像传感器,适合运动物体的高精度检测且能同时兼顾高速和低噪点,背照式像素结构实现了进一步小型化和高速化;另一类是大型CMOS 图像传感器,可拍摄高精细的广域图像。Sony 面阵图像传感器非常适合机器视觉和智慧产业的图像检测。
型号 / 靶面尺寸 / 分辨率 帧率(fps) / 光谱 / 像元尺寸 / 曝光方式 / 长宽比 / 接口
IMX811-AAMR 4.1" 19240×12840 12 黑白 2.81μm Rolling shutter 3:2 SLVS-EC
IMX811-AAQR 4.1" 19240×12840 12 彩色 2.81μm Rolling shutter 3:2 SLVS-EC
IMX411ALR 4.2" 14208×10656 6 黑白 3.76μm Rolling shutter 4:3 SLVS-EC
IMX411AQR 4.2" 14208×10656 6 彩色 3.76μm Rolling shutter 4:3 SLVS-EC
IMX661-AAMR 3.6" 13472×9568 19 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX661-AAQR 3.6" 13472×9568 19 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX461ALR 3.4" 11664×8750 8 黑白 3.76μm Rolling shutter 4:3 SLVS-EC
IMX461AQR 3.4" 11664×8750 8 彩色 3.76μm Rolling shutter 4:3 SLVS-EC
IMX455ALK-K 2.7" 9576×6388 21 黑白 3.76μm Rolling shutter 3:2 SLVS-EC
IMX492LLJ 1.4" 8336×5648 24 黑白 2.315μm Rolling shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2,SLVS-EC
IMX492LQJ 1.4" 8336×5648 24 彩色 2.315μm Rolling shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2,SLVS-EC
IMX342LLA APS-C 6480×4860 35 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX342LQA APS-C 6480×4860 35 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX571BLR-J 1.8" 6252×4176 48 黑白 3.76μm Rolling shutter 3:2 SLVS-EC
IMX530-AAMJ 1.2" 5328×4608 106 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX530-AAQJ 1.2" 5328×4608 106 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX540-AAMJ 1.2" 5328×4608 35 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX540-AAQJ 1.2" 5328×4608 35 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX183CLK-J 1" 5544×3694 24 黑白 2.4μm Rolling shutter 3:2 sub LVDS Serial
IMX183CQJ-J 1" 5544×3694 24 彩色 2.4μm Rolling shutter 3:2 sub LVDS Serial
IMX531-AAMJ 1.1" 4512×4512 109 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX531-AAQJ 1.1" 4512×4512 109 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX541-AAMJ 1.1" 4512×4512 42 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX541-AAQJ 1.1" 4512×4512 42 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX367LLA 4/3" 4432×4436 43 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX367LQA 4/3" 4432×4436 43 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX387LLA 4/3" 5472×3084 61.3 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 16:9 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX387LQA 4/3" 5472×3084 61.3 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 16:9 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX532-AAMJ 1.1" 5328×3040 159 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 16:9 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX532-AAQJ 1.1" 5328×3040 159 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 16:9 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX542-AAMJ 1.1" 5328×3040 52 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 16:9 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX542-AAQJ 1.1" 5328×3040 52 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 16:9 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX535-AAMJ 1/1.1" 4128×3008 184 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX535-AAQJ 1/1.1" 4128×3008 184 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX545-AAMJ 1/1.1" 4128×3008 68 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX545-AAQJ 1/1.1" 4128×3008 68 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX565-AAMJ 1/1.1" 4128×3008 42 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX565-AAQJ 1/1.1" 4128×3008 42 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX226CLJ 1/1.7" 4072×3046 40 黑白 1.85μm Rolling shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX304LLR 1.1" 4112×3008 23 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX304LQR 1.1" 4112×3008 23 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX253LLR 1.1" 4112×3008 68 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX253LQR 1.1" 4112×3008 68 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX533CLK 1" 3011×3011 76 黑白 3.76μm Rolling shutter 1:1 SLVS-EC
IMX344LQR 1" 4112×2176 32 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 17:9 sub LVDS Serial(Only 12bit,No mono)
IMX267LLR 1" 4112×2176 32 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 17:9 sub LVDS Serial
IMX267LQR 1" 4112×2176 32 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 17:9 sub LVDS Serial(IMX344LQR可代替)
IMX255LLR 1" 4112×2176 93 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 17:9 sub LVDS Serial
IMX255LQR 1" 4112×2176 93 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 17:9 sub LVDS Serial(IMX344LQR可代替)
IMX305LQR 1" 4112×2176 63 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 17:9 sub LVDS Serial
IMX334LLR 1/1.8" 3864×2180 60 黑白 2.0μm Rolling shutter 16:9 MIPI CSI-2
IMX678-AAMR1 1/1.8" 3856×2180 72 黑白 2.0μm Rolling Shutter 16:9 MIPI CSI-2
IMX536-AAMJ 2/3" 2858×2848 194 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX536-AAQJ 2/3" 2858×2848 194 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX546-AAMJ 2/3" 2856×2848 91 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX546-AAQJ 2/3" 2856×2848 91 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX566-AAMJ 2/3" 2856×2848 62 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 MIPI CSI-2
IMX566-AAQJ 2/3" 2856×2848 62 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 1:1 MIPI CSI-2
IMX428LLJ 1.1" 3216×2208 51 黑白 4.5μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX428LQJ 1.1" 3216×2208 51 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX420LLJ 1.1" 3216×2208 207 黑白 4.5μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX420LQJ 1.1" 3216×2208 207 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX178LLJ 1/1.8" 3096×2080 30 黑白 2.4μm Rolling shutter 3:2 sub LVDS Serial
IMX335LLN 1/2.8" 2616×1964 60 黑白 2.0μm Rolling shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX537-AAMJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 259 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX537-AAQJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 259 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX547-AAMJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 122 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX547-AAQJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 122 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX548-AAMJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 114 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS
IMX548-AAQJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 114 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS
IMX567-AAMJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 96 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 MIPI CSI-2
IMX567-AAQJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 96 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 MIPI CSI-2
IMX568-AAMJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 96 黑白 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 MIPI CSI-2
IMX568-AAQJ 1/1.8" 2472×2064 96 彩色 2.74μm Global shutter 5:4 MIPI CSI-2
IMX250LLR 2/3" 2464×2056 163 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX250LQR 2/3" 2464×2056 163 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX264LLR 2/3" 2464×2056 35 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX264LQR 2/3" 2464×2056 35 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX900-AMR 1/3.1" 2064×1552 120 黑白 2.25μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,MIPI CSI-2
IMX900-AQR 1/3.1" 2064×1552 120 彩色 2.25μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,MIPI CSI-2
IMX265LLR 1/1.8" 2064×1544 55 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX265LQR 1/1.8" 2064×1544 55 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX252LLR 1/1.8" 2064×1544 216 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX252LQR 1/1.8" 2064×1544 216 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX437LQJ 2/3" 1944×1472 231 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX429LLJ 2/3" 1944×1472 96 黑白 4.5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX429LQJ 2/3" 1944×1472 96 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX421LLJ 2/3" 1944×1472 409 黑白 4.5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX421LQJ 2/3" 1944×1472 409 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 5:4 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX392LLR 1/2.3" 1936×1216 201 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX392LQR 1/2.3" 1936×1216 201 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX174LLJ 1/1.2" 1936×1216 164 黑白 5.86μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX174LQJ 1/1.2" 1936×1216 164 彩色 5.86μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX302LQJ 1/1.2" 1936×1216 64 彩色 5.86μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX249LLJ 1/1.2" 1936×1216 30 黑白 5.86μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX249LQJ 1/1.2" 1936×1216 30 彩色 5.86μm Global shutter 16:10 sub LVDS Serial
IMX290LLR 1/2.8" 1945×1097 120 黑白 2.9μm Rolling shutter 16:9 sub LVDS Serial,MIPI,CMOS parallel
IMX462LLR 1/2.8" 1945×1097 120 黑白 2.9μm Rolling shutter 16:9 sub LVDS Serial,MIPI CSI-2
IMX430LLJ 1/1.7" 1632×1248 132 黑白 4.5μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX430LQJ 1/1.7" 1632×1248 132 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX422LLJ 1/1.7" 1632×1248 477 黑白 4.5μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX422LQJ 1/1.7" 1632×1248 477 彩色 4.5μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX432LLJ 1.1" 1608×1104 98 黑白 9.0μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX432LQJ 1.1" 1608×1104 98 彩色 9.0μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX425LLJ 1.1" 1608×1104 662 黑白 9.0μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX425LQJ 1.1" 1608×1104 662 彩色 9.0μm Global shutter 16:11 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX296LLR 1/2.9" 1456×1088 60 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX296LQR 1/2.9" 1456×1088 60 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX273LLR 1/2.9" 1456×1088 276 黑白 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX273LQR 1/2.9" 1456×1088 276 彩色 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX433LLJ 1/1.7" 816×624 243 黑白 9.0μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX433LQJ 1/1.7" 816×624 243 彩色 9.0μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX426LLJ 1/1.7" 816×624 1594 黑白 9.0μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX426LQJ 1/1.7" 816×624 1594 彩色 9.0μm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS,SLVS-EC
IMX297LLR 1/2.9" 728×544 120 黑白 6.9μm Global shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX297LQR 1/2.9" 728×544 120 彩色 6.9μm Global shutter 4:3 MIPI CSI-2
IMX287LLR 1/2.9" 728×544 523 黑白 6.9μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX287LQR 1/2.9" 728×544 523 彩色 6.9μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
搭载了将4 向偏光元件On-Chip 化的全局快门功能的偏光图像传感器
Sony 的偏光图像传感器分别在各像素的光电二极管上构建了4 向偏光元件,单次自动对焦可获取4 个方向的偏光图像。除了亮度与颜色的信息,还能获取传统图像传感器难以感知的偏光信息。同时采用全局快门,可拍摄出焦平面零失真的高画质图像。传感器还搭载ROI 功能和触发功能。因此,可应用于过去难以可视化或识别的检查等。
型号 / 靶面尺寸 / 分辨率 帧率(fps) / 光谱 / 像元尺寸 / 曝光方式 / 长宽比 / 接口
IMX264MZR 2/3" 2464×2056 35.7 黑白/ 偏光 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX264MYR 2/3" 2464×2056 35.7 彩色/ 偏光 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX250MZR 2/3" 2464×2056 163.4 黑白/ 偏光 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX250MYR 2/3" 2464×2056 163.4 彩色/ 偏光 3.45μm Global shutter 5:4 sub LVDS Serial
IMX253MZR 1.1" 4112×3008 68.3 黑白/ 偏光 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial
IMX253MYR 1.1" 4112×3008 68.3 彩色/ 偏光 3.45μm Global shutter 4:3 sub LVDS Serial


IMX900-AQR-C彩色 / IMX900-AMR-C黑白  1/3.1"  3.20M (2064x1552) 2.25µm Global shutter 4:3 SLVS/CSI-2
(Applications: FA cameras, Code reading cameras, Embedded vision systems) 
Frame rate: 8 bit 121.0 frame/s, 10 bit 113.4 frame/s, 12 bit 70.6 frame/s (Tentative)


Model Name/Description/Resolution *1(Mega-pixels)/Effective Pixels/Image Size(Type)/Aspect Ratio/Pixel Size(μm)/Max Frame Rate(frame/s)/Output Interface/Color,Mono/Technology
IMX661-AAMR Global Shutter, 128M, 3.6", Monochrome 128 13472 x 9568 3.6 4:3 3.45 21 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX661-AAQR Global Shutter, 128M, 3.6", Color                 128 13472 x 9568 3.6 4:3 3.45 21 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX342LLA Global Shutter, 31.4M, APS-C, Monochrome 31.4 6480 x 4860 APS-C 4:3 3.45 35 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX342LQA Global Shutter, 31.4M, APS-C, Color                 31.4 6480 x 4860 APS-C 4:3 3.45 35 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX530-AAMJ Global Shutter, 24.5M, 1.2", Monochrome 24.5 5328 x 4608 1.2 4:3 2.74 106 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX530-AAQJ Global Shutter, 24.5M, 1.2", Color                 24.5 5328 x 4608 1.2 4:3 2.74 106 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX540-AAMJ Global Shutter, 24.5M, 1.2", Monochrome 24.5 5328 x 4608 1.2 4:3 2.74 35 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX540-AAQJ Global Shutter, 24.5M, 1.2", Color                 24.5 5328 x 4608 1.2 4:3 2.74 35 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color       Pregius
IMX531-AAMJ Global Shutter, 20.3M, 1.1", Monochrome 20.3 4512 x 4512 1.1 1:1 2.74 109 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX531-AAQJ Global Shutter, 20.3M, 1.1", Color                 20.3 4512 x 4512 1.1 1:1 2.74 109 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color       Pregius
IMX541-AAMJ Global Shutter, 20.3M, 1.1", Monochrome 20.3 4512 x 4512 1.1 1:1 2.74 42 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX541-AAQJ Global Shutter, 20.3M, 1.1", Color                 20.3 4512 x 4512 1.1 1:1 2.74 42 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX367LLA Global Shutter, 19.6M, 4/3", Monochrome 19.6 4432 x 4436 4/3 1:1 3.45 43 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX367LQA Global Shutter, 19.6M, 4/3", Color                 19.6 4432 x 4436 4/3 1:1 3.45 43 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX387LLA Global Shutter, 16.8M, 4/3", Monochrome 16.8 5472 x 3084 4/3 16:9 3.45 61 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX387LQA Global Shutter, 16.8M, 4/3", Color                 16.8 5472 x 3084 4/3 16:9 3.45 61 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX901-AMR(REW) Global Shutter, 16.4M, 1.4", Monochrome 16.4 8016 x 2048 1.4 4:1 2.74 134SLVS-EC/SLVS/MIPI CSI-2 Mono      Pregius
IMX901-AQR(REW) Global Shutter, 16.4M, 1.4", Color                 16.4 8016 x 2048 1.4 4:1 2.74 134SLVS-EC/SLVS/MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius
IMX532-AAMJ Global Shutter, 16.1M, 1.1", Monochrome 16.1 5328 x 3040 1.1 16:9 2.74 159 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX532-AAQJ Global Shutter, 16.1M, 1.1", Color                 16.1 5328 x 3040 1.1 16:9 2.74 159 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX542-AAMJ Global Shutter, 16.1M, 1.1", Monochrome 16.1 5328 x 3040 1.1 16:9 2.74 52 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX542-AAQJ Global Shutter, 16.1M, 1.1", Color                 16.1 5328 x 3040 1.1 16:9 2.74 52 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX535-AAMJ Global Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.1", Monochrome 12.4 4128 x 3008 1/1.1 4:3 2.74 184 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX535-AAQJ Global Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.1", Color                 12.4 4128 x 3008 1/1.1 4:3 2.74 184 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX545-AAMJ Global Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.1", Monochrome 12.4 4128 x 3008 1/1.1 4:3 2.74 68 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX545-AAQJ Global Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.1", Color                 12.4 4128 x 3008 1/1.1 4:3 2.74 68 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius S
IMX565-AAMJ Global Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.1", Monochrome 12.4 4128 x 3008 1/1.1 4:3 2.74 42 MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius S
IMX565-AAQJ Global Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.1", Color                 12.4 4128 x 3008 1/1.1 4:3 2.74 42 MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius S
IMX902-AMR(REW) Global Shutter, 12.3M, 1.1", Monochrome 12.3 6048 x 2048 1.1 3:1 2.74 134SLVS-EC/SLVS/MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius S
IMX902-AQR(REW) Global Shutter, 12.3M, 1.1", Color                 12.3 6048 x 2048 1.1 3:1 2.74 134SLVS-EC/SLVS/MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius S
IMX304LLR Global Shutter, 12.3M, 1.1", Monochrome 12.3 4112 x 3008 1.1 4:3 3.45 23 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX304LQR Global Shutter, 12.3M, 1.1", Color                 12.3 4112 x 3008 1.1 4:3 3.45 23 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX253LLR Global Shutter, 12.3M, 1.1", Monochrome 12.3 4112 x 3008 1.1 4:3 3.45 68 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX253LQR Global Shutter, 12.3M, 1.1", Color                 12.3 4112 x 3008 1.1 4:3 3.45 68 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX267LLR Global Shutter, 8.9M,   1", Monochrome 8.9 4112 x 2176 1 17:9 3.45 32 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX267LQR Global Shutter, 8.9M,   1", Color                 8.9 4112 x 2176 1 17:9 3.45 32 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX255LLR Global Shutter, 8.9M,   1", Monochrome 8.9 4112 x 2176 1 17:9 3.45 93 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX255LQR Global Shutter, 8.9M,   1", Color                 8.9 4112 x 2176 1 17:9 3.45 93 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX536-AAMJ Global Shutter, 8.1M,   2/3", Monochrome 8.1 2856 x 2848 2/3 1:1 2.74 194 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX536-AAQJ Global Shutter, 8.1M,   2/3", Color                 8.1 2856 x 2848 2/3 1:1 2.74 194 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius S
IMX546-AAMJ Global Shutter, 8.1M,   2/3", Monochrome 8.1 2856 x 2848 2/3 1:1 2.74 91 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX546-AAQJ Global Shutter, 8.1M,   2/3", Color                 8.1 2856 x 2848 2/3 1:1 2.74 91 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius S
IMX566-AAMJ Global Shutter, 8.1M,   2/3", Monochrome 8.1 2856 x 2848 2/3 1:1 2.74 62 MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius S
IMX566-AAQJ Global Shutter, 8.1M,   2/3", Color                 8.1 2856 x 2848 2/3 1:1 2.74 62 MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius S
IMX428LLJ Global Shutter, 7.1M,    1.1", Monochrome 7.1 3216 x 2208 1.1 16:11 4.5 51 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX428LQJ Global Shutter, 7.1M,    1.1", Color                 7.1 3216 x 2208 1.1 16:11 4.5 51 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX420LLJ Global Shutter, 7.1M,    1.1", Monochrome 7.1 3216 x 2208 1.1 16:11 4.5 207 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX420LQJ Global Shutter, 7.1M,    1.1", Color                 7.1 3216 x 2208 1.1 16:11 4.5 207 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX537-AAMJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 259 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX537-AAQJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 259 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius S
IMX547-AAMJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 122 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius S
IMX547-AAQJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 122 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius S
IMX548-AAMJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 114 SLVS                 Mono Pregius S
IMX548-AAQJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 114 SLVS                 Color Pregius S
IMX567-AAMJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 96 MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius S
IMX567-AAQJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 96 MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius S
IMX568-AAMJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 96 MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius S
IMX568-AAQJ Global Shutter, 5.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 5.1 2472 x 2064 1/1.8 5:4 2.74 96 MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius S
IMX250LLR Global Shutter, 5.0M,    2/3", Monochrome 5 2464 x 2056 2/3 5:4 3.45 163 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX250LQR Global Shutter, 5.0M,    2/3", Color                 5 2464 x 2056 2/3 5:4 3.45 163 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX264LLR Global Shutter, 5.0M,    2/3", Monochrome 5 2464 x 2056 2/3 5:4 3.45 35 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX264LQR Global Shutter, 5.0M,    2/3", Color                 5 2464 x 2056 2/3 5:4 3.45 35 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX900-AMR(REW) Global Shutter, 3.2M,    1/3.1", Monochrome 3.2 2064 x 1552 1/3.1 4:3 2.25 125 SLVS/MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius S
IMX900-AQR(REW) Global Shutter, 3.2M,    1/3.1", Color                 3.2 2064 x 1552 1/3.1 4:3 2.25 125 SLVS/MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius S
IMX265LLR Global Shutter, 3.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 3.1 2064 x 1544 1/1.8 4:3 3.45 55 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX265LQR Global Shutter, 3.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 3.1 2064 x 1544 1/1.8 4:3 3.45 55 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX252LLR Global Shutter, 3.1M,    1/1.8", Monochrome 3.1 2064 x 1544 1/1.8 4:3 3.45 216 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX252LQR Global Shutter, 3.1M,    1/1.8", Color                 3.1 2064 x 1544 1/1.8 4:3 3.45 216 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX437LQJ Global Shutter, 2.8M,    2/3", Color                 2.8 1944 x 1472 2/3 5:4 4.5 231 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX429LLJ Global Shutter, 2.8M,    2/3", Monochrome 2.8 1944 x 1472 2/3 5:4 4.5 96 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX429LQJ Global Shutter, 2.8M,    2/3", Color                 2.8 1944 x 1472 2/3 5:4 4.5 96 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX421LLJ Global Shutter, 2.8M,    2/3", Monochrome 2.8 1944 x 1472 2/3 5:4 4.5 409 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX421LQJ Global Shutter, 2.8M,    2/3", Color                 2.8 1944 x 1472 2/3 5:4 4.5 409 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX392LLR Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/2.3", Monochrome 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/2.3 16:10 3.45 201 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX392LQR Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/2.3", Color                 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/2.3 16:10 3.45 201 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX174LLJ Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/1.2", Monochrome 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/1.2 16:10 5.86 164 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX174LQJ Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/1.2", Color                 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/1.2 16:10 5.86 164 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX302LQJ Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/1.2", Color                 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/1.2 16:10 5.86 64 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX249LLJ Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/1.2", Monochrome 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/1.2 16:10 5.86 30 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX249LQJ Global Shutter, 2.3M,    1/1.2", Color                 2.3 1936 x 1216 1/1.2 16:10 5.86 30 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX430LLJ Global Shutter, 2.0M,    1/1.7", Monochrome 2 1632 x 1248 1/1.7 4:3 4.5 132 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX430LQJ Global Shutter, 2.0M,    1/1.7", Color                 2 1632 x 1248 1/1.7 4:3 4.5 132 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX422LLJ Global Shutter, 2.0M,    1/1.7", Monochrome 2 1632 x 1248 1/1.7 4:3 4.5 477 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX422LQJ Global Shutter, 2.0M,    1/1.7", Color                 2 1632 x 1248 1/1.7 4:3 4.5 477 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX432LLJ Global Shutter, 1.7M,    1.1", Monochrome 1.7 1608 x 1104 1.1 16:11 9 98 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX432LQJ Global Shutter, 1.7M,    1.1", Color                 1.7 1608 x 1104 1.1 16:11 9 98 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX425LLJ Global Shutter, 1.7M,    1.1", Monochrome 1.7 1608 x 1104 1.1 16:11 9 662 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX425LQJ Global Shutter, 1.7M,    1.1", Color                 1.7 1608 x 1104 1.1 16:11 9 662 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX296LLR Global Shutter, 1.5M,    1/2.9", Monochrome 1.5 1456 x 1088 1/2.9 4:3 3.45 60 MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius
IMX296LQR Global Shutter, 1.5M,    1/2.9", Color                 1.5 1456 x 1088 1/2.9 4:3 3.45 60 MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius
IMX273LLR Global Shutter, 1.5M,    1/2.9", Monochrome 1.5 1456 x 1088 1/2.9 4:3 3.45 276 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX273LQR Global Shutter, 1.5M,    1/2.9", Color                 1.5 1456 x 1088 1/2.9 4:3 3.45 276 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
IMX433LLJ Global Shutter, 0.5M,    1/1.7", Monochrome 0.5 816 x 624                 1/1.7 4:3 9 243 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX433LQJ Global Shutter, 0.5M,    1/1.7", Color                 0.5 816 x 624                 1/1.7 4:3 9 243 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX426LLJ Global Shutter, 0.5M,    1/1.7", Monochrome 0.5 816 x 624                 1/1.7 4:3 9 1594 SLVS-EC/SLVS Mono Pregius
IMX426LQJ Global Shutter, 0.5M,    1/1.7", Color                 0.5 816 x 624                 1/1.7 4:3 9 1594 SLVS-EC/SLVS Color Pregius
IMX297LLR Global Shutter, 0.4M,    1/2.9", Monochrome 0.4 728 x 544                 1/2.9 4:3 6.9 120 MIPI CSI-2 Mono Pregius
IMX297LQR Global Shutter, 0.4M,    1/2.9", Color                 0.4 728 x 544                1/2.9 4:3 6.9 120 MIPI CSI-2 Color Pregius
IMX287LLR Global Shutter, 0.4M,    1/2.9", Monochrome 0.4 728 x 544                1/2.9 4:3 6.9 523 sub LVDS Serial Mono Pregius
IMX287LQR Global Shutter, 0.4M,    1/2.9", Color                 0.4 728 x 544                 1/2.9 4:3 6.9 523 sub LVDS Serial Color Pregius
* Figures are subject to change without notice.
*1: Resolution (Megapixels): Number of effective pixels.
IMX811-AAMR(REW) Rolling Shutter, 247M, 4.1", Monochrome 247 19240 x 12840 4.1 3:2 2.81 12 SLVS-EC    Mono -
IMX811-AAQR(REW) Rolling Shutter, 247M, 4.1", Color                 247 19240 x 12840 4.1 3:2 2.81 12 SLVS-EC  Color -
IMX411ALR Rolling Shutter, 151M, 4.2", Monochrome 151 14208 x 10656 4.2 4:3 3.76 6 SLVS-EC    Mono -
IMX411AQR Rolling Shutter, 151M, 4.2", Color 151 14208 x 10656 4.2 4:3 3.76 6 SLVS-EC   Color -
IMX461ALR Rolling Shutter, 102M, 3.4", Monochrome 102 11664 x 8750 3.4 4:3 3.76 8 SLVS-EC   Mono -
IMX461AQR Rolling Shutter, 102M, 3.4", Color 102 11664 x 8750 3.4 4:3 3.76 8 SLVS-EC    Color -
IMX455ALK-K Rolling Shutter, 61.1M, 2.7", Monochrome 61.1 9576 x 6388 2.7 4:3 3.76 21 SLVS-EC  Mono STARVIS
IMX492LLJ Rolling Shutter, 47.0M, 1.4", Monochrome 47 8336 x 5648 1.4 4:3 2.315 24 SLVS-EC/MIPI CSI-2 Mono -
IMX492LQJ Rolling Shutter, 47.0M, 1.4", Color                 47 8336 x 5648 1.4 4:3 2.315 24 SLVS-EC/MIPI CSI-2 Color -
IMX571BLR-J Rolling Shutter, 26.1M, 1.8", Monochrome 26.1 6252 x 4176 1.8 4:3 3.76 48 SLVS-EC                 Mono STARVIS
IMX183CLK-J Rolling Shutter, 20.4M, 1", Monochrome 20.4 5544 x 3694 1 3:2 2.4 24 sub LVDS Serial Mono -
IMX183CQJ-J Rolling Shutter, 20.4M, 1", Color 20.4 5544 x 3694 1 3:2 2.4 24 sub LVDS Serial Color -
IMX226CLJ Rolling Shutter, 12.4M, 1/1.7", Monochrome 12.4 4072 x 3046 1/1.7 4:3 1.85 40 sub LVDS Serial Mono STARVIS
IMX533CLK Rolling Shutter, 9.0M, 1", Monochrome 9 3011 x 3011 1 1:1 3.76 76 SLVS-EC Mono STARVIS
IMX335LLN Rolling Shutter, 5.1M, 1/2.8", Monochrome 5.1 2616 x 1964 1/2.8 4:3 2 60 MIPI CSI-2 Mono STARVIS
IMX250MZR / MYR Diagonal 11.1 mm (Type 2/3) Approx. 5.07 M pixels Four-directional Polarization 2464 (H) × 2056 (V)Approx. 5.07 M pixels 3.45 μm 226-pin LGA
IMX264MZR / MYR Diagonal 11.1 mm (Type 2/3) Approx. 5.07 M pixels Four-directional Polarization 2464 (H) × 2056 (V)Approx. 5.07 M pixels 3.45 μm 226-pin LGA
IMX253MZR / MYR Diagonal 17.6 mm (Type 1.1) Approx. 12.37M pixels Four-directional Polarization 4112 (H) × 3008 (V)Approx. 12.37 M pixels 3.45 μm 226-pin LGA
紫外Ultraviolet (UV) Image Sensor
IMX487-AAMJ-C Global shutter Diagonal 11.1mm(Type 2/3) Approx. 8.13 megapixels 2856 (H) × 2848 (V)Approx. 8.13 megapixels 2.74μm 194fps(8bit) SLVS-EC : 8/4/2/1 lane SLVS : 8ch / 4 ch
短波红外(short-wave infrared)
SWIR image sensors are sensors that take in light from the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) band. SWIR-band light can penetrate the silicon wafers of semiconductors to check positioning marks or internal defects; it can also penetrate opaque resin material to capture the content of a package. Because different substances have different light absorption characteristics, these sensors can be used for materials with a similar external appearance to perform material screening, identify contaminants, and detect otherwise imperceptible flaws and dents on produce. The use of SWIR imaging, which is not affected by fine airborne particles, means these sensors can also reduce the impact of mist, smoke, dust, and other substances to offer clear imaging of subjects that would not be perceptible to the human eye.
Sony's SWIR image sensors use original SenSWIR@ technology to achieve both high resolution and compact sensor size. They are also compatible with imaging not only of SWIR-band light but also the visible light spectrum. In addition to digital output compatibility, they have functions like global shutter and trigger mode, making them suitable for industrial cameras.
IMX990 Approx. 1.34 megapixels Type 1/2(8.2 mm diagonal) 5.0 μm SXGA 134 fps SLVS
IMX991 Approx. 0.34 megapixels Type 1/4(4.1 mm diagonal) 5.0 μm VGA 258 fps SLVS
IMX992(REW) Approx. 5.32 megapixels Type 1/1.4(11.4 mm diagonal)3.45 μm QSXGA 130 fps*1 SLVS/MIPI
IMX993(REW) Approx. 3.21 megapixels Type 1/1.8(8.9 mm diagonal) 3.45 μm QXGA 170 fps*1 SLVS/MIPI
*1 This is a tentative value as the product is still under development.
飞行时间传感器Time of Flight Image Sensor
ToF type Model name/Number of effective pixels / Image size / Unit cell size / Frame rate (Max.) / Recommended light source wavelength/Modulation frequency / Output interface
SPAD ToF IMX560(REW) 597 (H) × 168 (V)approx. 100K SPAD pixels, Type 1/2.9(Diagonal 6.25 mm) 10.08 μm×10.08 μm 100 frame/s (*) 850 nm, 905 nm, 940 nm etc. 1 GHz MIPI CSI-2
iToF IMX556         642 (H) × 484 (V)approx. 300K pixels Type 1/2(Diagonal 8.0 mm) 10 μm×10 μm 60 frame/s (VGA resolution) 850 nm or 940 nm 4 ~ 100 MHz MIPI CSI-2
iToF IMX570         648 (H) × 488 (V)approx. 300K pixels Type 1/4.5(Diagonal 4.0 mm) 5 μm×5 μm 56 frame/s (VGA resolution) 850 nm or 940 nm 2 ~ 120 MHz MIPI CSI-2
* The frame rate trades off with the number of samplings.
  Increasing the number of samplings improves accuracy but decreases the maximum frame rate.
基于事件的视觉传感器 Event-based Vision Sensor(EVS)
An Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS) realizes high-speed, low latency data output by detecting luminance changes, which each pixel senses asynchronously, and only outputting the differential data after combining with the coordinate and time information. This functionality can be leveraged in recognition processing systems to enhance the efficiency of data provision, ideal for various applications in the industrial field such as detection of fast-moving objects, equipment monitoring, movement detection analysis, and image recognition.
Compact with high resolution, high-speed, and high temporal resolution
The industry's smallest*1 pixel size of 4.86 μm can read out event data efficiently at high temporal resolution.
Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation's original miniaturization technology based on the structure of stacked CMOS image sensor together with Cu-Cu connection makes it possible to realize the industry's smallest pixel with a large fill factor. This technology has produced a small Event-based Vision Sensor with high image resolution, high speed, and high temporal resolution (an image sensor that continuously detects movements and luminance changes).
*1) Among stacked event-based vision sensors. According to Sony research (as of announcement on September 9, 2021).
Capable of high-speed output at low power consumption
Sony's original stacked structure realizes event-based technology that outputs data only based on the pixel luminance changes detected by all pixels asynchronously and combined with coordinate and time information. Handling only the required data this method can achieve fast output, in the order of microseconds, while keeping power consumption low. It operates much faster than the conventional frame-based method.
Filter function to remove unnecessary event data with high accuracy
In order to cater to various applications the sensor is equipped with several filter functions specifically designed for event data. They can be employed to remove unnecessary event data such as periodical events due to LEDs flickering and other events that are highly unlikely to be the outline of a moving object, etc.
What is an Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS)?
With a conventional frame-based image sensor the entire image of the ball and the background is output at certain intervals determined by the frame rate. By contrast an Event-based Vision Sensor only takes the differential data, which means the trajectory of the moving ball is captured at a very high temporal resolution.
Model name        Image size            Effective pixels
IMX636                1/2.5-type Approx. 0.92 megapixels
IMX637                1/4.5-type Approx. 0.32 megapixels
IMX646                1/2.5-type Approx. 0.92 megapixels
IMX647                1/4.5-type Approx. 0.32 megapixels
Sensor specifications
Model name IMX636                                                   IMX637                                                    IMX646                                                      IMX647
Effective pixels 1280(H)x720(V)Approx. 0.92 megapixels 640(H)x512(V)Approx. 0.32 megapixels 1280(H)x720(V)Approx. 0.92 megapixels  640(H)x512(V)Approx. 0.32 megapixels
Unit cell size 4.86μmx4.86μm 4.86μmx4.86μm
Image size Diagonal 7.137mm(1/2.5-type)    Diagonal 3.983mm(1/4.5-type)     Diagonal 7.137mm(1/2.5-type)       Diagonal 3.983mm(1/4.5-type)
Color filter Black and white                                    Black and white                                        Black and white                                        Black and white
Package                 Ceramic LGA Package(13 x13 mm)  Ceramic LGA Package(13x13 mm)     Ceramic LGA Package(13 x13 mm)          Ceramic LGA Package(13x13 mm)
Power supply Analog 3.0V Digital 1.1V Interface 1.8V
Nominal contrast threshold (ln) 25%
Latency ROI*2 Less than 100 microseconds @ 1 Klux
                                 Less than 1000 microseconds @ 5 lux Less than 800 microseconds @ 1 Klux Less than 9000 microseconds @ 0.3 lux
               Thinned read-out*3
                                 Less than 220 microseconds   @ 1 Klux
                                 Less than 1000 microseconds @ 5 lux Less than 800 microseconds @ 1 Klux
                                 Less than 9000 microseconds @ 0.3 lux
Maximum event rate 1.06 Geps(giga events per second) 1.06 Geps(giga events per second)
Dynamic range 86 dB or more (5-100,000 lux) *4 110 dB or more (0.3-100,000 lux) *4
Background rate 0.1Hz@1klux/10Hz@5lux 0.1Hz@1klux/5Hz@0.3lux
Interface                  Input: I2C (400 kHz / 1 Mhz), 4-wire SPI Input: I2C (400 kHz / 1 Mhz), 4-wire SPI
                                 Output: MIPI D-PHY(1.5 Gbps/lane)2lane,
                                 SLVS(800 Mbps/lane) 4lane Output: MIPI D-PHY(1.5 Gbps/lane)2lane,
                                 SLVS(800 Mbps/lane) 4lane
Event signal processing function Anti-flicker/ Event filter/ Event rate control Anti-flicker/ Event filter/ Event rate control
*2) ROI 9x9=81pixels
*3) Thinned read-out, 1/5 (horizontal direction).
*4) 5 lux is the minimum light condition that guarantees imaging characteristics. Low-Light Cutoff(not guaranteed) is 0.08 lux with 50% of pixels respond to linear 100% contrast.
多光谱图像传感器Multispectral Image Sensor
Sony's multispectral image sensor has a multispectral filter formed on the photodiode of each pixel, making it possible to capture multiple wavelengths of light simultaneously, from visible light to near-infrared light. Because these sensors can capture the composition of different substances as well as subtle color differences that are imperceptible to the human eye, they can be used in applications like material sorting, contaminant detection inspection, and quality management.
Image sensors equipped with multispectral filters
Normal color image sensors have three types of color filters on the photodiode of each pixel - red, green, and blue - but Sony's IMX454 multispectral image sensors have 8 types of filters on the photodiodes to take in light from different wavelengths. Typical multispectral cameras have a built-in spectral element, such as a prism or diffraction grating. They function by scanning a subject or camera at a constant speed to take pictures, which limits the types of scenes that can be photographed. With the IMX454, users can capture 2D images in one shot, just like with a normal camera. This means it can be used in many kinds of scenarios.
IMX454LXR-C Diagonal 6.46 mm (Type 1/2.8) Approx. 2.13 megapixels
Model Name IMX454LXR-C
Image size Diagonal 6.46 mm (Type 1/2.8)
Effective pixels 1945 (H) × 1097 (V)
Approx. 2.13 megapixels
Unit cell size 2.9 μm (H) × 2.9 μm (V)
Optical blacks Horizontal Front 0 pixels, rear 0 pixels
                                Vertical Front 10 pixels, rear 0 pixels
Frame rate (Max.) All-pixel readout mode 10bit 120 frame/s,12bit 60 frame/s
Input drive frequency 37.125 MHz / 74.25 MHz
Supply voltage Analog 2.9 V,Digital 1.2 V
Interface 1.8 V
Shutter mode Rolling shutter
Output interface sub LVDS Serial(2 ch / 4 ch / 8 ch)
MIPI(2 lane / 4 lane)
Package 114-pin LGA,12.0 mm (H) × 9.3 mm (V)

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